
Haiti requires the same international treatment as Ukraine or Gaza –

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken urged Ariel Henry to accelerate the transition to a broader government, while Latin America’s diplomatic chief, Brian Nichols, called for the acceleration of the deployment of the international mission, but without committing economic allocations or military resources that would take much less time than from Kenya.

Chest thumping but no immediate solution. That could be the summary of the United States‘ response to the new crisis unfolding in Haiti. This demonstrates that, in international politics, good words are often not accompanied by deeds. Crises are not solved with good intentions, but with effective realities.

The United States, as a global power in economy, social, and military might, has the capacity to immediately address what is happening in Haiti. Moreover, it is possibly the only way to return the country to a situation where criminal gangs do not control the territory or the institutions, and where the people can decide freely, without the coercion of violence, who their rulers will be.

The U.S. chief diplomat for Latin America, Brian Nichols, called for the acceleration of “the deployment of a multinational security support mission.” Furthermore, he added that the crisis in Haiti had humanitarian dimensions that require a global response from the international community, similar to what has been done in Ukraine or Gaza. In other words, U.S. diplomacy has joined the scenario that the President of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader, has been presenting since 2020 in all international forums he has participated in.

Meanwhile, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken urged President Ariel Henry, currently in Puerto Rico, to initiate an urgent transition towards “a broader and more inclusive government.”

However, the United States has not officially offered economic or military solutions. Last September, Blinken himself promised $100 million to support a multinational force led by Kenya aimed at restoring security in Haiti. On February 22, the Secretary of State announced that the United States planned to contribute $200 million to support that international mission.

The extreme violence outbreak of recent days had not yet occurred, and the money has not arrived because, as Kenya reminded the UN Security Council, multinational support with economic, logistical, and equipment resources is necessary.

In a critical situation like that of Haiti, it is surprising that none of the world’s major military powers, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, or France, and even NATO itself, have led this international mission. It is also surprising that this responsibility was left to a country like Kenya.

Given the geographical proximity to Haiti, the United States should have led the international mission. The United States has demonstrated over the past century how it can deploy immediately in Central America and the Caribbean. Just remember what happened in Panama or on the island of Grenada. However, it is not happening.

While the situations in Ukraine or Gaza have prompted numerous meetings and resolutions from the UN Security Council, Haiti does not generate any immediate action from the international community.


The violence of criminal gangs in Haiti is generating a true humanitarian massacre that requires immediate intervention. This responsibility cannot be left to the Dominican Republic or to the arrival of Kenyan troops, whose level of preparedness to face well-trained, funded, and heavily armed gangs is unknown.

The international community is obligated to provide the same response as in Ukraine and Gaza. The deployment of troops must come from perfectly trained elements to end as soon as possible these criminal gangs that are destroying a country and could spread violence throughout the region.

The problem of Haiti is not just Haiti’s; it is a global problem that requires a global and effective response. If major powers do not demonstrate real commitment through actions, then they become accomplices. Haiti is not a minor regional problem; it could have significant negative implications, especially for the United States and Canada, but also for the European Union.

The fact that a country is controlled by criminal gangs will result in that territory becoming a narco-state, with major drug cartels using it as a logistical hub to transport drugs to North America and, via sea routes, to Europe.

The same will happen with the migration issue. We have already seen how countries like Libya, a failed state controlled by tribal leaders, have become launchpads for illegal migration to the EU. There is nothing preventing hundreds of thousands of people from Central America being transported by human trafficking mafias to Haiti, from where they can then be taken by sea or air to North American territory.

Not to mention the arms trafficking.

The reaction must be immediate, but the situation is being allowed to deteriorate or waiting for a response from the Dominican Republic, a country that has already done everything humanly possible and impossible for Haiti. There is no turning back; either the international community resolves this crisis with action, or they should not be surprised by the consequences of their action.


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2024-03-12 07:44:10

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