The Advantages of Using Field Service Management Software
When you are working with a massive field service team, your ability to manually manage schedules and appointments goes for a complete toss. What you will need to do is invest in field service management software that will help you with workflow management amongst other things. This is especially important for service based businesses that needs precision and timeliness in its execution.
When you invest in your workflow management it automatically builds schedules, takes appointments and adjusts your field service agent’s time so that he completes the task on hand and then moves on to something in the vicinity. When you are working with field service software, there are several advantages to the field agent as well. Here are some of them:
When the agent is on the field, his task for the day is sent to him on his device. Of course the first thing he will need is the address. This too is sent to him on the device directly from the database of the company. Along with this, he will get a job description of the task at hand and this will help him get his tools ready for the job. This works for absolutely any field from medical to technical to any other service task. When the address is sent to the technician, a GPS routing is also provided. All of the services are tied up to a grid which will provide GPS based directions and the shortest possible route to location.
Now when a technician reaches a particular job, he may realize that the task is much more complex than first expected. With his device and through the field service software, he will be able to communicate the safe to his office. The new estimated time is taken into consideration and the software instantly updates the schedule and gives him the time necessary. Other agents are roped in if necessary to share the work load and ensure that it does not reflect on any other jobs that have been accepted.
There may also be times when the customer themselves are not at home at a particular appointment. The reasons for this may be many. The software at such times will automatically update the schedule, readjust so that another job may be taken up in the time slot and assign a whole new appointment for the client.
The advantage of field service software is that gives you the flexibility of getting a job done well without compromising on quality and time. An overlap at any level will not happen.
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